
At Palm Era, we uphold the highest standards of quality and transparency, ensuring our products not only meet but exceed customer expectations. Our commitment to excellence is reflected through our diverse range of certifications, which stand as a testament to our dedication to quality, safety, and environmental responsibility. Each certificate underscores our adherence to stringent guidelines and best practices in the production of our all-natural, bio-nutrient-rich palm products.

Explore the details of our certifications:

  • AGMARK Certification: Assurance of quality and purity in agricultural products.
    Click here to view the certificate.
  • FSSAI Certification: Compliance with food safety and standards in India.
    Click here to view the certificate.
  • ZED Certification: Commitment to Zero Defect and Zero Effect manufacturing practices.
    Click here to view the certificate.
  • Pesticide & Residue Free and Nutritional Lab Report for Palm Jaggery: Ensures our palm jaggery is free from harmful pesticides and residues.
    Click here to view the certificate.
  • Nutritional Fact Lab Report for Macaroons, Red Bliss & Palm Sprouts Powder: Ensures our palm sprouts poweder is free from harmful pesticides and residues.
    Click here to view the certificate.
  • MSME Udyam Certificate: Recognition of Palm Era as a certified micro, small, and medium enterprise, supporting sustainable growth and innovation.
    Click here to view the certificate.

Each link provides further information about our certifications, demonstrating our ongoing effort to deliver the best to our customers.