Everyone's ULTIMATE Indian Sweetener.

✅ Palm Era's Palm Jaggery Powder replaces common sweeteners like white and brown sugar, stevia, and sugarcane jaggery, offering perfect taste and 100% purity.

Why Our Palm Jaggery is SUPERIOR?

Low Glycemic Sweetener: Outperforms sugars & other jaggery, significantly reducing insulin spikes.

Gut Health Enhancer: Unique fermentation process boosts digestion, outperforming stevia.

Nutrient-Rich: Over 17 Plus essential nutrients for superior health benefits.

Fermented Craftsmanship: Using ancient methods and natural fermentation, our jaggery ensures pure flavor enhancement.

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We're the ONLY Brand with MAXIMUM Certifications!

Palm Era takes pride in being the only palm jaggery brand in India to hold AGMARK certification, alongside FSSAI approval, ZED certification, Pesticide & Residue-Free certification, setting a new standard in purity and safety!

We At Palm Era 💛

Combine traditional practices with modern technology, producing natural, safe & sustainable products that support both local farmers and the environment. Our offerings, including palm jaggery made from pure "Padhaneer," are authentically sourced and crafted with minimal processing to retain nature's flavors and nutrients. Committed to eco-friendly practices, Palm Era ensures each product is free of additives and rich in essential minerals, embodying a journey from nature to your kitchen.
Certified by FSSAI, ZED, AGMARK and Pesticide and Residue Free certifications, we guarantee quality and purity.

We've addressed many questions, but if you have others, feel free to contact us. We're here to help!

Find Your Answers Here 🧐

Are your products REALLY natural?

Yes, all our products are 100% natural, crafted without any artificial additives, preservatives, or colorants.

What is the source of your palm jaggery?

Our palm jaggery is made from 'Padhaneer', the pure palm nectar harvested directly from skilled toddy tappers. We ensure freshness and authenticity by procuring and manufacturing our own jaggery carefully to maintain top quality. Additionally, we promote fair trade practices to ensure that our farmers are paid ethically.

How do you ensure the quality of your products?

We conduct rigorous on-farm quality checks and lab tests to guarantee that our products meet the highest standards of purity and quality.

Can Palm Era products be used in any diet?

Yes, our products are suitable for all ages and fit well within a healthy lifestyle, being free from unhealthy additives and rich in essential nutrients.

How is Palm Era contributing to sustainability?

At Palm Era, our commitment to sustainability is integral to our operations. We focus on reducing environmental impact through responsible sourcing practices and supporting the local ecosystem.
Our efforts extend to promoting sustainable farming techniques that enrich soil health and conserve water, ensuring our practices benefit both the planet and our community. This holistic approach underscores our dedication to a sustainable future, maintaining a balance between ecological well-being and premium product quality.

Is shipping free in India?
